Friday, November 18, 2011

I can remember you.

I remember your touch, the kindness of your finger tips as they traced my skin. Peppermint mocha on your lips, innocent love in your eyes, the excitement inside my chest as it in rose and fell in sequence with yours. Your honest words, the light in your soul, that lit your smile. The color you brought to my world and freshness of everything you taught me. I remember you. I remember
Before I knew pain, before my heart deflated. Before the light went out in my eyes and my world became black, I remember you.
Before my veins hardened with my intentional poison. Before my bones were visible through my worn skin, before tracks outlined every vein and lead right to my shriveled heart. Before I enjoyed the taste of tears. Before the blood and guilt dripped from my fingertips daily. It now stains my clothes. Before my conscious was drown and choked and its voice forever silenced. I remember
you. You were there. Before Danielle died and this demon possessed her, I remember you. You were real.

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